Which of the following substances is a compound

To properly answer your question, you need to provide the provided options.

To determine which of the substances is a compound, we need to understand what a compound is. A compound is a type of molecule that consists of two or more different elements chemically bonded together.

Without the substances listed, I cannot provide a specific answer. Please provide the options, and I will be able to assist you in identifying which substance is a compound.

To determine which of the substances is a compound, we need to understand the definition of a compound.

A compound is a substance that is made up of two or more different types of atoms bonded together chemically. It is important to note that a compound is different from a mixture because the atoms in a compound are chemically combined in a fixed ratio, while in a mixture, the components are physically mixed together without any chemical bonding.

Now, you mentioned that you have a list of substances. To determine which one is a compound, we need to know the substances in the list. Please provide the list of substances, and I'll be happy to assist you in identifying the compound.