which of the following should be included in a job description

preferred gender
benefits package
best aspects of the job
technical skills required

Benefits package and technical skills required should be included in a job description.

When creating a job description, the following elements should be included:

1. Job title and summary: Clearly state the title of the position and provide a brief overview of the role.

2. Job responsibilities: Outline the specific tasks and duties that the employee will be responsible for carrying out.

3. Qualifications: Specify the required educational background, experience, and any relevant certifications or licenses.

4. Technical skills required: List the specific technical skills or knowledge necessary to perform the job successfully.

5. Preferred skills and qualifications: Mention any additional skills or qualifications that would be desirable but are not mandatory.

6. Benefits package: Provide information on the benefits and perks that the job offers to attract potential candidates.

7. Working conditions: Describe any special working conditions, such as travel requirements or physical demands.

8. Company culture and values: Highlight the organization's mission, values, and unique aspects of the work environment.

It is important to note that including preferred gender in a job description is considered discriminatory and should not be included.

When creating a job description, it's important to include the details and requirements that will help potential candidates understand the role and determine whether they are a good fit. Out of the options you provided, including the benefits package and technical skills required are recommended, while indicating a preferred gender should be avoided due to potential discrimination concerns. Let's break down each aspect further to understand why.

1. Benefits Package: Including the benefits package in a job description is important as it provides candidates with an understanding of the additional perks and advantages they will receive by joining the organization. This typically includes information about health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, bonuses, and other offerings that might be applicable.

2. Technical Skills Required: Clearly articulating the technical skills required for the job is essential. This helps potential candidates assess whether they possess the necessary qualifications and expertise for the role. By providing this information, you can attract candidates who meet the job requirements and filter out those who do not.

3. Preferred Gender: It is highly advised to avoid indicating a preferred gender in a job description. This type of requirement is unlawful and can lead to discrimination. Hiring decisions should be based solely on an applicant's qualifications, experience, and ability to perform the job.

4. Best Aspects of the Job: While including information about the best aspects of the job can be helpful to attract candidates, it is not essential in a job description. Often, companies provide this information through their employer branding efforts on their career website or during the interview process. However, if there are unique selling points or attractive features of the job that should be highlighted, they can be mentioned briefly in the description.

In summary, a job description should primarily include the benefits package and the technical skills required for the position. It should be focused on providing candidates with accurate and unbiased information about the role while complying with legal obligations and avoiding any discriminatory practices.