2.5.7 - Quick Check: Technology for Searching: Cyberbullying

Educational Technology And Online Learning 8 Q1 / 2. Microsoft® Word / 2.5. Technology for Searching: Cyberbullying

multiple choice what is a boolean operator (1 point)

A) A search engine used to find information on the internet.

B) A tool used to search for specific types of websites.
C) A way to narrow or expand a search by using "AND," "OR," or "NOT" to combine or exclude terms.
D) A feature that allows users to save websites for future reference.

C) A way to narrow or expand a search by using "AND," "OR," or "NOT" to combine or exclude terms.

A boolean operator is a word or symbol used in search queries to combine or exclude words or phrases, allowing for more specific and accurate search results. It helps refine the search and make it more focused.

A boolean operator is a term used in computer programming and in database searching. It is a logical operator that allows you to connect or combine words or phrases when conducting a search. Boolean operators help refine and narrow down search results by specifying relationships between terms.

In the context of searching for information on cyberbullying, a boolean operator would be used to enhance the search query and obtain more relevant results. With a boolean operator, you can combine keywords or phrases using AND, OR, or NOT operators.

1. AND: When you use the AND operator between multiple keywords or phrases, the search engine will return results that contain both or all of the specified terms. For example, searching for "cyberbullying AND prevention" will give you results that include both "cyberbullying" and "prevention" in the content.

2. OR: The OR operator is used to broaden the search by specifying alternative terms. Using the OR operator between keywords or phrases allows the search engine to retrieve results that contain either term. For example, searching for "cyberbullying OR online harassment" will give you results that include either "cyberbullying" or "online harassment" in the content.

3. NOT: The NOT operator is used to exclude specific terms from the search results. When you use the NOT operator, the search engine will ignore results that contain the specified term. For example, searching for "cyberbullying NOT social media" will exclude any results that mention "social media" in relation to cyberbullying.

So, in summary, a boolean operator is a logical operator used to connect or combine keywords or phrases when conducting a search. To use boolean operators effectively, you need to understand how they work and choose the appropriate operator to refine your search results.