A hospital plans to improve efficiency by redesigning the way the way health care technicians work by having each technician do several more tasks that previously required, which of the following workforce planning tasks that previously required. which of the following answers explains why the workforce planning tasks must be accomplished to achieve this goal

new hiring
job hiring

The workforce planning tasks must be accomplished in order to achieve the goal of improving efficiency through the redesigning of work tasks. This is because the hospital needs to assess the current workforce structure and determine if they have enough technicians to handle the increased workload. They may need to determine if new hiring is necessary to ensure that there are enough technicians to efficiently complete the additional tasks. Additionally, they may need to identify if any job positions need to be created or restructured to align with the new tasks. On the other hand, if the redesign allows for streamlining and consolidation of tasks, the hospital may consider downsizing the workforce by identifying positions that are no longer necessary or can be absorbed by other roles. Lastly, the hospital may explore the option of outsourcing certain tasks to external service providers if it is more cost-effective or efficient in terms of resource allocation. Overall, the workforce planning tasks of new hiring, job hiring, downsizing, and outsourcing are necessary to align the workforce with the redesigned work tasks and achieve the goal of improving efficiency.

The workforce planning tasks that must be accomplished to achieve the goal of improving efficiency by redesigning the way health care technicians work are downsizing and outsourcing.

Downsizing may be necessary to eliminate any excess or redundant positions and streamline the workforce to align with the new responsibilities and tasks assigned to each technician. By reducing the number of employees, the hospital can optimize the utilization of resources and potentially save on costs.

Outsourcing may also be required to delegate certain non-core tasks or specialized services to external service providers. This can help the hospital focus on their core competencies and ensure that technicians have sufficient time to perform the additional tasks efficiently.

New hiring and job hiring may not be directly applicable as the goal is to make existing technicians perform several more tasks. However, if there is a need for additional expertise or specific skills, new hiring or job hiring can be considered to fill those gaps in the workforce.

To achieve the goal of improving efficiency at the hospital by having health care technicians perform several additional tasks, workforce planning tasks are necessary. Each of the following options describes how a specific workforce planning task contributes to achieving this goal:

1. New Hiring: If the hospital intends to increase the workload for health care technicians, they may decide to hire additional technicians to handle the increased tasks. Workforce planning in terms of new hiring ensures that the hospital maintains an optimal staff-to-patient ratio, preventing overworking of current technicians and maintaining quality care.

2. Job Hiring: By redesigning the tasks assigned to health care technicians, the hospital may need to create new positions or modify existing job roles. Workforce planning in terms of job hiring involves identifying the necessary skill sets, qualifications, and responsibilities required for these new or modified positions, ensuring that the right individuals are recruited and trained.

3. Downsizing: Workforce planning may also involve downsizing, which means reducing the number of employed individuals. If the redesign aims to streamline operations and eliminate redundancies, downsizing may be considered. By removing unnecessary positions, the hospital can redistribute workload among fewer technicians while still maintaining efficiency.

4. Outsourcing: As an alternative to hiring new employees or downsizing, the hospital may choose to outsource certain tasks to external service providers. Workforce planning in terms of outsourcing involves identifying which tasks can be outsourced while maintaining quality and cost-effectiveness. By outsourcing certain tasks, the hospital can free up the time and resources of health care technicians to focus on more critical aspects of patient care.

Each of these workforce planning tasks plays a role in helping the hospital achieve its goal of improving efficiency through the redesigned workflow for health care technicians. The choice between new hiring, job hiring, downsizing, or outsourcing will depend on the specific needs, resources, and priorities of the hospital.