which element of art defines the interval or measurable distance between points or images.

The element of art that defines the interval or measurable distance between points or images is called "space."

The element of art that defines the interval or measurable distance between points or images is called "space." Space refers to the areas around, between, and within individual elements or objects within an artwork. It can be two-dimensional (as in the space within a painting) or three-dimensional (as in the space within a sculpture). Space can be used to create a sense of depth, perspective, or distance in artwork.

The element of art that defines the interval or measurable distance between points or images is known as "space."

When it comes to understanding and identifying space in art, we can refer to two different types: positive space and negative space.

Positive space refers to the physical objects or forms themselves, while negative space refers to the empty or unoccupied areas surrounding those objects or forms. It is the relationship between positive and negative space that defines the interval or distance between points or images in an artwork.

To identify and understand the use of space in a particular artwork, you can follow these steps:

1. Examine the artwork: Take a close look at the artwork and observe the objects or forms present in it. Look for any gaps or empty areas between these objects.

2. Identify the positive space: Note the physical objects or forms in the artwork and pay attention to their shapes, sizes, and arrangement. These are the elements that occupy the positive space.

3. Identify the negative space: Pay attention to the empty areas surrounding the objects or forms. These unoccupied areas are referred to as negative space.

4. Analyze the relationship: Observe the intervals and distances between the positive and negative space. Consider how these spaces interact and create balance within the artwork.

By analyzing the space in an artwork, you can develop a deeper understanding of how the artist has utilized intervals or distances between points or images as a visual element.