which of the folowing describes why it is important for everyone in an organization to have the opportunity to contribute to the mission statement

so that it will be accepted and used by employees
so the organization can track progress toward meeting its goals
so employees know the organizations history
so it defines expected outcomes clearly

The following option best describes why it is important for everyone in an organization to have the opportunity to contribute to the mission statement:

- So that it will be accepted and used by employees

The correct answer is: so that it will be accepted and used by employees.

When everyone in an organization has the opportunity to contribute to the mission statement, it increases the likelihood that employees will feel a sense of ownership and buy-in towards the statement. This, in turn, leads to greater acceptance and usage of the mission statement by employees. When employees align with the mission statement, they are more likely to work towards achieving the organization's goals and objectives.

The correct answer is: "so that it will be accepted and used by employees". When everyone in an organization has the opportunity to contribute to the mission statement, they are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and alignment with the organization's goals. This increases the chances that employees will not only accept the mission statement but also actively use it as a guide for their work.

To understand why this is important, let's break it down step by step:

1. Mission statement acceptance: When employees have the opportunity to contribute to the mission statement, they feel heard and valued. This involvement fosters a sense of ownership and buy-in. As a result, employees are more likely to accept the mission statement as a reflection of their collective values, purpose, and aspirations.

2. Mission statement usage: Acceptance alone is not enough. For a mission statement to be effective, it needs to be actively used by employees. It should serve as a guide for decision-making, goal-setting, and daily activities. When employees have had a hand in crafting the mission statement, they are more likely to understand and internalize its purpose, leading to practical application in their work.

3. Impact on employees: Active involvement in shaping the mission statement helps employees connect with the organization's purpose and vision. It provides clarity about why their individual roles and contributions matter. This sense of purpose fosters engagement, motivation, and a commitment to achieving organizational goals.

While the other options listed (tracking progress, knowing organizational history, and defining expected outcomes) are valid elements of a well-rounded organizational culture, their connection to the importance of employee contribution in the mission statement is less direct.