Which property is illustrated by the statement

8 (-5/6) = (-5/6) 8

The property illustrated by the statement 8 (-5/6) = (-5/6) 8 is the commutative property of multiplication.

The property illustrated by the statement 8 (-5/6) = (-5/6) 8 is the commutative property of multiplication.

The property illustrated by the statement is the commutative property of multiplication.

To understand the commutative property, let's break down the statement:

8 (-5/6) = (-5/6) 8

In multiplication, the commutative property states that changing the order of the factors does not change the product. In other words, the order of numbers being multiplied can be switched, and the result will be the same.

So, the statement is showing that no matter if we multiply 8 by -5/6 or -5/6 by 8, the result will be the same.

To prove it mathematically, let's compute each side of the equation:

Left side: 8 (-5/6) = -40/6 = -20/3

Right side: (-5/6) 8 = -5/6 * 8/1 = -40/6 = -20/3

As we can see, both sides of the equation are equal to -20/3.

Therefore, the statement illustrates the commutative property of multiplication.