Explain the constitutional amendment process. List the two choices available for each step of the process.

Please format your answer as follows:
Step 1:
Option 1:
Option 2:
e ti
Step 2:
Option 1:
Option 2:
(4 points)

Step 1:

Option 1: Proposing an Amendment by Congress - The first option is for a proposed amendment to be introduced and passed by a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Option 2: Proposing an Amendment by a National Convention - The second option is for a proposed amendment to be called for by two-thirds (currently 34) of the state legislatures, which would then lead to the creation of a national convention to propose the amendment.

Step 2:
Option 1: Ratification by State Legislatures - The first option is for the proposed amendment to be ratified by three-fourths (currently 38) of the state legislatures, which involves passing the amendment through the standard legislative process within each state.
Option 2: Ratification by State Conventions - The second option is for the proposed amendment to be ratified by three-fourths (currently 38) of special state conventions, which are specifically called for the purpose of considering and voting on the proposed amendment.

Step 1:

Option 1: Proposal by Congress - An amendment can be proposed by a two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Option 2: Proposal by a National Convention - An amendment can be proposed if two-thirds of the state legislatures call for a national convention.

Step 2:
Option 1: Ratification by State Legislatures - An amendment can be ratified if three-fourths of the state legislatures approve it.
Option 2: Ratification by State Ratifying Conventions - An amendment can be ratified if three-fourths of the states choose to ratify it through state ratifying conventions.

Step 1:

Option 1: Proposal by Congress
Option 2: Proposal by Convention of States

Step 2:
Option 1: Ratification by State Legislatures
Option 2: Ratification by State Conventions

The constitutional amendment process involves two main steps: proposal and ratification. For each step, there are two choices available.

In the proposal step, Option 1 is for the amendment to be proposed by Congress. This option involves either the House of Representatives or the Senate proposing the amendment by a two-thirds majority vote. Alternatively, Option 2 allows for the amendment to be proposed by a Convention of States. If two-thirds of the states request it, Congress must call a convention where the proposed amendment can be discussed and potentially ratified.

Once an amendment is proposed, it moves on to the ratification step. Option 1 for ratification is through State Legislatures. This means that three-fourths (38) of the state legislatures must approve the amendment for it to be ratified. State Legislatures have the power to review, debate, and vote on the proposed amendment according to their state's laws and processes. On the other hand, Option 2 is ratification through State Conventions. In this case, if three-fourths of the states call for a convention to ratify the amendment, then each state holds a convention to debate and vote on the proposed amendment. If the amendment is approved by three-fourths of the conventions, it is considered ratified.

It's important to note that the two options for each step provide different avenues for the amendment process, and ultimately, the choice depends on the circumstances and preferences of the states and Congress.