What is the fractional equivalent of 3.375 in its final form?

1 point
3 375/1000
3 ⅜
3 ⅛
3 15/40

The fractional equivalent of 3.375 in its final form is 3 3/8.

To find the fractional equivalent of 3.375 in its final form, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the decimal 3.375 into a fraction by noting that the number after the decimal point represents the denominator of the fraction. In this case, the number after the decimal point is 375, so our fraction will have a denominator of 1000.

Step 2: Write 3 as a whole number.

Step 3: Combine the whole number and the fraction to get the final form.

So, the fractional equivalent of 3.375 in its final form is 3 375/1000.

To find the fractional equivalent of 3.375, we can convert the decimal into a fraction.

Step 1: Determine the denominator:
The decimal has three decimal places, so the denominator will be 1000 because there are three zeros after the decimal point.

Step 2: Write the decimal as a fraction:
Write 3.375 as the numerator of the fraction.

Putting it together, the fractional equivalent of 3.375 is 3 375/1000.