which sentence contains an example of verbal irony?

"The weather is perfect today," he said as it rained outside.

To identify a sentence that contains an example of verbal irony, we need to look for a statement in which the speaker's intended meaning is different from the literal words used. However, without any specific sentences provided, it is difficult to give a direct answer. Could you please provide some sentences for me to analyze?

To identify a sentence that contains an example of verbal irony, we need to first understand what verbal irony is. Verbal irony involves saying something but intending to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning of the words used. It often involves sarcasm or a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant.

Let's examine a few sentences to find an example of verbal irony:

1. "Oh, fantastic! Another rainy day!"
2. "I just love spending my weekends grading papers."
3. "What a great idea, let's go stand in line for hours!"

Sentence 1: "Oh, fantastic! Another rainy day!" This sentence includes verbal irony. The word "fantastic" is clearly being used sarcastically to express displeasure about the rainy day, which is the opposite of what is normally considered fantastic.

Therefore, the sentence "Oh, fantastic! Another rainy day!" contains an example of verbal irony.