Which of the following can be used to investigate the reason the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I?(1 point)


the role that East African soldiers played in the war

the nationality of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassin

knowledge of the Schlieffen Plan

the collapse of the alliance system

knowledge of the Schlieffen Plan

To investigate the reason the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I, you can consider the following points step-by-step:

1. The nationality of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassin: The assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb nationalist. This event serves as a trigger for the war and is significant to understanding the initial cause.

2. Knowledge of the Schlieffen Plan: The Schlieffen Plan was a military strategy developed by the German General Staff. It aimed to quickly defeat France in the west and then focus on the eastern front against Russia. The plan relied on a swift victory against France to avoid a two-front war. The assassination led to an escalation of tensions and the activation of various military plans, including the Schlieffen Plan.

3. The collapse of the alliance system: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand disrupted the delicate power balance in Europe and led to the activation of alliances. The Triple Entente (France, Russia, and Britain) and the Central Powers (Germany and Austria-Hungary) were the main alliances involved. With the assassination, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, which triggered a series of mutual defense commitments among the alliances, leading to the outbreak of World War I.

Therefore, to investigate the reason the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I, you should consider the nationality of the assassin, the knowledge of the Schlieffen Plan, and the collapse of the alliance system. The role that East African soldiers played in the war is not directly related to the initial cause of the war.

To investigate the reason the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I, you can consider the following information:

1. The role that East African soldiers played in the war: This option is not directly relevant to the reason behind the initiation of the war. While the involvement of various countries and regions is important to understand the overall context of World War I, it doesn't directly explain the specific trigger for the war.

2. The nationality of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassin: This option is significant in understanding the immediate circumstances surrounding the assassination, but it does not directly explain why the assassination itself sparked World War I. The nationality of the assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was Bosnian-Serb, which did contribute to heightened tensions between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, but there were deeper underlying causes for the war.

3. Knowledge of the Schlieffen Plan: The Schlieffen Plan was a German military strategy designed to quickly defeat France and then shift forces to fight against Russia. While understanding the Schlieffen Plan is relevant in examining the strategies and tactics used during the war, it does not explain the specific reason why the assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I.

4. The collapse of the alliance system: This option is the most accurate answer. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked a series of events that led to the collapse of the alliance system in Europe. Following the assassination, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia, which escalated tensions between various European powers. Due to a complex network of alliances, the conflict quickly escalated, drawing in other nations and eventually leading to the outbreak of World War I.

Therefore, the most suitable response to investigate the reason the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked World War I would be the collapse of the alliance system.