Two equations are written to express how far a car can go when driving on different roads. On Road 1, the car can go 60 miles in 2 hours. On Road 2, the car can go 90 miles in 4 hours. While an equation where is the distance in miles and a is the time in hours to represent the motion of the faster car. (1 point)

The equation for Road 1 can be written as: distance = 60 miles / 2 hours

Simplifying, we get: distance = 30 miles/hour * a hours

Similarly, the equation for Road 2 can be written as: distance = 90 miles / 4 hours

Simplifying, we get: distance = 22.5 miles/hour * a hours

Since the car on Road 2 is faster, we can use the equation distance = 22.5 miles/hour * a hours to represent the motion of the faster car.

So what's the answer

The equation that represents the motion of the faster car is:

distance = 22.5 miles/hour * a hours

That's notwithstanding try again

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the given information, the faster car is the one on Road 2, which can go 90 miles in 4 hours. The correct equation to represent the motion of the faster car is:

distance = (90 miles / 4 hours) * a hours

Simplifying further, we get:

distance = 22.5 miles/hour * a hours

Sorry that not it try again

I apologize for the confusion. Let's re-evaluate the given information.

On Road 1, the car can go 60 miles in 2 hours. This implies a speed of 60 miles / 2 hours = 30 miles/hour.

On Road 2, the car can go 90 miles in 4 hours. This implies a speed of 90 miles / 4 hours = 22.5 miles/hour.

Since the faster car is on Road 1 with a speed of 30 miles/hour, the equation to represent its motion is:

distance = 30 miles/hour * a hours

Try something else

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the information given:

On Road 1, the car can go 60 miles in 2 hours. This implies a speed of 60 miles / 2 hours = 30 miles/hour.

On Road 2, the car can go 90 miles in 4 hours. This implies a speed of 90 miles / 4 hours = 22.5 miles/hour.

Since the car on Road 1 is faster, we can use the equation:

distance = 30 miles/hour * a hours

This equation represents the motion of the faster car.

To represent the motion of the faster car, we need to create an equation using the given information. We know that on Road 1, the car can go 60 miles in 2 hours, and on Road 2, the car can go 90 miles in 4 hours.

Let's represent the distance traveled on Road 1 by d1 and the time taken by t1, and the distance traveled on Road 2 by d2 and the time taken by t2.

For Road 1, we have:
d1 = 60 miles
t1 = 2 hours

For Road 2, we have:
d2 = 90 miles
t2 = 4 hours

Since we are looking for an equation where d is the distance in miles and a is the time in hours to represent the motion of the faster car, we can create an equation based on the information given for Road 2:

d = 90 miles
a = 4 hours

So the equation representing the motion of the faster car is:
d = a * (d2 / t2)

Plugging in the given values, we get:
d = a * (90 miles / 4 hours)

Simplifying this equation, we have:
d = 22.5a

Therefore, the equation to represent the motion of the faster car is d = 22.5a, where d is the distance in miles and a is the time in hours.