Fully simplify and write your answer in exponential form with positive exponents only.

1/y^8 * 1/y^9 =

To fully simplify and write the expression in exponential form with positive exponents only, we can combine the two terms with the same base, y.

Applying the exponent rule that states "When dividing like bases, subtract the exponents," we have:

1/y^8 * 1/y^9 = 1/(y^8 * y^9)

Then, using the exponent rule that states "When multiplying like bases, add the exponents," we get:

1/(y^8 * y^9) = 1/y^(8+9)

Simplifying the exponent:


Therefore, the fully simplified expression written in exponential form with positive exponents only is 1/y^17.

To simplify the expression 1/y^8 * 1/y^9, we can combine the terms with the same base (y) by adding their exponents. In this case, the exponents are negative because we are dealing with reciprocals.

So, 1/y^8 * 1/y^9 can be simplified as 1/y^(8+9) = 1/y^17.

Therefore, the fully simplified expression in exponential form with positive exponents only is 1/y^17.

To fully simplify the expression 1/y^8 * 1/y^9, we can combine the terms with the same base (y) and add the exponents.

The base in both terms is y, so we keep the base the same and add the exponents:
y^(8 + 9) = y^17

Therefore, the fully simplified form of the expression 1/y^8 * 1/y^9 is y^17.

Written in exponential form with positive exponents, the answer is: