which of the following is true of the informal structure in an organization

it is slow to adapt to changing conditions
it is good at handling many routine tasks
it is formed through shared interests
it is easy to monitor and control

The correct statement regarding the informal structure in an organization is: it is formed through shared interests.

The true statement among the options provided is that the informal structure in an organization is formed through shared interests.

The true statement about the informal structure in an organization is that it is formed through shared interests. Here's an explanation:

In any organization, there are two types of structures: formal and informal. The formal structure refers to the official hierarchy, job roles, and reporting relationships established by the organization. On the other hand, the informal structure emerges naturally among employees based on their social interactions, relationships, and common interests.

The informal structure is formed when individuals within the organization develop relationships and connections based on shared interests, hobbies, or personal affiliations. These connections can occur through social interactions, informal gatherings, or even shared experiences outside of work. For example, employees who enjoy playing soccer might form an informal group to play during lunch breaks.

In contrast to the formal structure, the informal structure is not explicitly designed or monitored by the organization. It is a social network that emerges on its own. This informal structure can have both positive and negative impacts on the organization.

While it is true that the informal structure can provide a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and support among employees, it can also influence communication patterns, decision-making processes, and influence power dynamics within the organization.

However, it is important to note that the other statements provided are not true of the informal structure:

1. Informal structure is not necessarily slow to adapt to changing conditions: The informal structure can often be more agile and adaptable compared to the formal structure. This is because informal networks facilitate quick and effective communication, allowing information to flow rapidly among individuals.

2. Informal structure is not specifically good at handling routine tasks: The effectiveness of handling routine tasks depends on individuals and their abilities, rather than being a characteristic of the informal structure itself. Different individuals within the informal structure may have varying levels of competence and efficiency when it comes to routine tasks.

3. Informal structure is not easy to monitor and control: This is because the informal structure is not designed or controlled by the organization. It operates outside of the organization's formal systems and processes, making it challenging to monitor and control its activities.

Therefore, only the statement that the informal structure is formed through shared interests is true.