which of the following best describes the essential goal of a leader

being able to hire and fire employees
being able to profit from the organization
being able to get people to do what you want them to do
being able to provide energy to employees

being able to provide energy to employees

The essential goal of a leader is to be able to provide energy to employees.

The essential goal of a leader is being able to provide direction, guidance, and inspiration to a team or organization. While each of the options mentioned can be aspects of leadership, the best description would be "being able to provide energy to employees."

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option:

1. "Being able to hire and fire employees" is an important responsibility for a leader, but it does not capture the entirety of their essential goal. Hiring and firing are actions that contribute to building an effective team, but they are not the core objective.

2. "Being able to profit from the organization" is an outcome that leaders aim for, but it is not their essential goal. Their main focus is to lead the organization towards success, which can involve various strategies beyond just profit-making.

3. "Being able to get people to do what you want them to do" is an element of leadership, but it falls short of fully encompassing the essential goal. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams, rather than simply imposing their will or demands.

4. "Being able to provide energy to employees" best captures the core objective of a leader. Leaders empower their employees, foster a positive work environment, and encourage enthusiasm, motivation, and productivity among their team members.

Therefore, "being able to provide energy to employees" is the option that best describes the essential goal of a leader.