which of the following most likely reaosn an HR manager would seek to adjust the income for an american working abroad

the laws in the new counrty allow older workers to be paid less
the cost of living in that country is different from that of the employees home
the employee will need higher pay to adust to the new social environment
the local norms in the new country are different regarding pay

The most likely reason an HR manager would seek to adjust the income for an American working abroad is that the cost of living in that country is different from that of the employee's home.

The most likely reason an HR manager would seek to adjust the income for an American working abroad is because the cost of living in that country is different from that of the employee's home.

To determine the most likely reason an HR manager would seek to adjust the income for an American working abroad, we need to carefully analyze each option and consider the role of an HR manager and the potential impact on the employee.

Option 1: The laws in the new country allow older workers to be paid less.
This option suggests that the HR manager might adjust the income based on laws in the new country. However, it is important to note that the question asks for the MOST LIKELY reason, and this option does not necessarily indicate a common or major factor that HR managers consider when adjusting income for employees working abroad.

Option 2: The cost of living in that country is different from that of the employee's home.
This option is a common and significant factor that HR managers consider when adjusting income for employees working abroad. If the cost of living in the new country is higher than the employee's home country, the HR manager might increase the income to help the employee maintain a similar standard of living.

Option 3: The employee will need higher pay to adjust to the new social environment.
While adjusting income to accommodate the new social environment might be a consideration, it is less likely to be the primary reason for an HR manager to seek an adjustment. This option assumes that the new social environment would directly impact the employee's income requirements, which might not be the case in most situations.

Option 4: The local norms in the new country are different regarding pay.
This option is also a significant reason for an HR manager to adjust an employee's income. Each country might have different pay scales, salary expectations, or cultural norms regarding compensation. To ensure that the employee's salary is competitive and aligns with local standards, an HR manager might adjust the income accordingly.

Considering the options presented, the second option - "The cost of living in that country is different from that of the employee's home" - is the most likely reason an HR manager would seek to adjust income for an American working abroad. Adjusting the income based on the differences in the cost of living is a common practice to ensure fair compensation and maintain a comparable standard of living for the employee.