which of the following is something that would promote diversity in the workplace

recruit from the most selective universities\hire young college educated workers
enforce sexual harassement policies
promote competition between workers

The correct answer is "recruit from the most selective universities/hire young college educated workers." This strategy would promote diversity in the workplace by ensuring that individuals from various backgrounds and experiences are included in the workforce. By recruiting from selective universities and hiring young college-educated workers, the company can diversify its talent pool and foster a more inclusive environment.

Enforcing sexual harassment policies is essential for creating a safe and respectful workplace but does not directly promote diversity. Promoting competition between workers can actually hinder diversity as it may create a hostile environment and discourage collaboration.

Enforcing sexual harassment policies would be the factor among the options listed that would promote diversity in the workplace. While recruiting from selective universities or hiring young college-educated workers might increase the pool of candidates, it doesn't necessarily promote diversity in terms of different backgrounds, experiences, or perspectives. Similarly, promoting competition between workers could lead to a less inclusive environment rather than promoting diversity. On the other hand, enforcing sexual harassment policies promotes a safe and inclusive workplace for employees of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

To determine which option promotes diversity in the workplace, let's examine each of the choices:

1. Recruit from the most selective universities/hire young college-educated workers: This approach may inadvertently limit diversity as it can favor certain privileged groups that have historically had more access to prestigious universities and educational opportunities. It may fail to consider individuals from diverse backgrounds who may have gained relevant skills and experience through alternate means.

2. Enforce sexual harassment policies: While enforcing policies against sexual harassment is essential for maintaining a safe and inclusive work environment, it may not directly promote diversity in terms of representation and inclusivity. It primarily focuses on preventing harassment and ensuring equal treatment and respect for all employees.

3. Promote competition between workers: Competition, on its own, is not directly linked to promoting diversity in the workplace. In fact, intense competition may lead to an environment where diverse individuals feel excluded or discouraged from participating fully.

Of the three options, enforcing sexual harassment policies is the choice that ensures a respectful and fair workplace environment. However, if you specifically seek strategies to promote diversity in terms of representation and inclusivity, additional actions can be taken. These may include implementing inclusive hiring practices, establishing diversity training programs, creating employee resource groups, promoting equal opportunities for career advancement, and fostering a culture of inclusivity and belonging.

Promoting diversity is an ongoing commitment that involves systemic changes, efforts towards inclusive practices, and fair representation across different dimensions such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, abilities, and more.