which of the following is a reason, it is important for HR managers to manage office politics because_______

to help employees understand policies
to help employees select benefits
to help employees keep records
to help employees work as a team

to help employees work as a team

The reason it is important for HR managers to manage office politics is to help employees work as a team.

The correct reason from the given options as to why it is important for HR managers to manage office politics is "to help employees work as a team." Office politics can encompass various factors, such as power dynamics, conflicts, and competition among employees. When office politics are not effectively managed, it can create a negative work environment, hinder productivity, and lead to division among employees.

To understand why managing office politics is important for helping employees work as a team, we need to consider the broader impact of office politics on team dynamics. Office politics can introduce favoritism, lack of trust, and undermining behavior, which can fragment a team and disrupt collaboration. When HR managers actively manage this aspect, they can identify and address issues related to office politics, reducing conflicts and promoting a healthy work culture.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to critically analyze how each of the given options aligns with the concept of managing office politics. While policies, benefits, and record-keeping are all important aspects of HR management, they do not directly address the challenges posed by office politics. Therefore, the reason "to help employees work as a team" is the most appropriate in this context.