Identify which of the following best fits the definition of a global city. (1 point)

• a country's largest city, often disproportionately large, that is particularly expressive of the country's culture
O a central area where financial services, investment companies, and other businesses have their headquarters
a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the
world economy
• the city in a country where the seat of government is held

The option that best fits the definition of a global city is:

• a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the world economy

The option that best fits the definition of a global city is:

• a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the
world economy

To determine which of the given options best fits the definition of a global city, let's examine each option:

Option 1: "A country's largest city, often disproportionately large, that is particularly expressive of the country's culture."
While this definition describes a significant city that embodies the country's culture, it does not specifically address the global nature or economic function of the city.

Option 2: "A central area where financial services, investment companies, and other businesses have their headquarters."
This option refers to a city's central area that serves as a hub for financial services and businesses. While important for a city's economy, it does not capture the broader global impact or scale of a global city.

Option 3: "A city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the world economy."
This definition aligns closely with the concept of a global city. It emphasizes that a global city goes beyond its local area and operates on a global scale, providing crucial services to the world economy.

Option 4: "The city in a country where the seat of government is held."
While a country's capital city holds political significance, it may not necessarily have the same global economic influence or services integral to the world economy as a global city.

Based on these explanations, option 3, "a city that serves a function beyond its immediate area, functioning on a global scale and performing services integral to the world economy," best fits the definition of a global city.