Determine the effects of the Portuguese maritime empire in the Indian Ocean.(1 point)ResponsesThe Portuguese maritime empire allowed the Portuguese empire to grow in terms of trade, but it was unable to have any significant impact on the peoples around the Indian Ocean.The Portuguese maritime empire allowed the Portuguese empire to grow in terms of trade, but it was unable to have any significant impact on the peoples around the Indian Ocean.The Portuguese maritime empire continued the Columbian Exchange, expanded global trade, expanded Christianity’s influence, and led to the suppression of local customs and beliefs.The Portuguese maritime empire continued the Columbian Exchange, expanded global trade, expanded Christianity’s influence, and led to the suppression of local customs and beliefs.The Portuguese maritime empire took over entire nations and changed their government structures to become more democratic.The Portuguese maritime empire took over entire nations and changed their government structures to become more democratic.The Portuguese maritime empire led to the end of the Columbian Exchange, expanded global trade, and increased religious toleration.

The correct response is:

The Portuguese maritime empire continued the Columbian Exchange, expanded global trade, expanded Christianity’s influence, and led to the suppression of local customs and beliefs.

The Portuguese maritime empire had several effects in the Indian Ocean region.

1. Expansion of trade: The Portuguese presence in the Indian Ocean facilitated the growth of trade between Europe and Asia. They established trading posts, forts, and naval bases along the coastlines, which allowed for the exchange of goods, such as spices, textiles, precious metals, and luxury items.

2. Impact on local peoples: The Portuguese had a significant impact on the local populations around the Indian Ocean. They engaged in military conflicts with local rulers and established control over certain regions, including parts of India, Sri Lanka, Malacca, and the Persian Gulf. This resulted in the disruption of local power structures and impacted the lives of the people living in these areas.

3. Expansion of Christianity: The Portuguese empire also aimed to spread Christianity in the regions they controlled. They actively converted local populations to Catholicism and established missions and churches. This expansion of Christianity had a lasting impact on the religious landscape of the Indian Ocean region.

4. Suppression of local customs and beliefs: The Portuguese were known for their intolerance towards local customs and beliefs. They often suppressed indigenous practices and forced conversions to Catholicism. This led to the erosion of traditional cultures and religious practices in the areas under Portuguese control.

Overall, the Portuguese maritime empire had a significant impact on trade, religious beliefs, and local cultures in the Indian Ocean region. It expanded global trade, expanded Christianity's influence, but also led to the suppression of local customs and beliefs.

The accurate response is: The Portuguese maritime empire continued the Columbian Exchange, expanded global trade, expanded Christianity’s influence, and led to the suppression of local customs and beliefs.

To determine the effects of the Portuguese maritime empire in the Indian Ocean, you would need to examine historical sources and research the impact of Portuguese colonization and trade in the region. Some ways to do this include:

1. Study primary sources: Look for accounts, letters, and journals written by Portuguese explorers, traders, and administrators during this time period. These can provide insights into the Portuguese activities, motivations, and their impact on the Indian Ocean trade routes.

2. Analyze secondary sources: Read books, articles, and academic papers written by historians who have researched the Portuguese empire in the Indian Ocean. These sources will provide you with expert analysis and interpretations of the effects of Portuguese colonization.

3. Examine trade patterns: Look into the changes in trade routes, goods traded, and economic impact brought about by Portuguese maritime activities. Consider the impact on local economies, indigenous trading networks, and the overall integration of the Indian Ocean into global trade networks.

4. Assess cultural and social changes: Investigate the influence of Portuguese colonization on the societies, cultures, and religions of the Indian Ocean region. Examine whether local customs and beliefs were suppressed or altered due to Portuguese presence, and explore the spread of Christianity and its impact on indigenous religions.

By gathering information from primary and secondary sources, analyzing trade patterns, and examining cultural and social changes, you can determine the effects of the Portuguese maritime empire in the Indian Ocean.