fill in blank

A plane is a blank dimensional figure. The intersection of two planes that do not coincide (if it exists) is a blank

A plane is a two-dimensional figure. The intersection of two planes that do not coincide (if it exists) is a line.

A plane is a two-dimensional figure. The intersection of two planes that do not coincide (if it exists) is a line.

A plane is a two-dimensional figure. The intersection of two planes that do not coincide (if it exists) is a line.

To determine the dimensions of a plane, we need to understand that a plane is a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions without any thickness. We can visualize it as a sheet of paper without any edges. Since it has only length and width with no height, it is considered a two-dimensional figure.

When two planes intersect, they can do so in three different ways:
1. They coincide completely, meaning they are the same plane and intersect at an infinite number of points, forming another plane.
2. They do not intersect at all and are parallel, meaning they never cross each other.
3. They intersect at a single line. This line is formed by the intersection of the two planes and is referred to as the line of intersection.

The line of intersection occurs where the two planes meet and is the common line shared by both planes. It can be visualized as a line extending infinitely in both directions. Note that the line of intersection only exists if the planes do not coincide and are not parallel.

In summary, a plane is a two-dimensional figure, and the intersection of two planes (that do not coincide) is a line.