The formula for density is (1 point) Responses volume x mass volume x mass volume + mass volume + mass mass - volume mass - volume mass/volume mass/volume


The correct formula for density is mass/volume.

The formula for density is mass divided by volume. This means that to find the density of an object, you need to divide its mass by its volume. Let's go through the given options to see which one is correct.

Option 1: volume x mass
This is not the correct formula for density. Multiplying the volume and mass of an object gives you the product of the two values, but it doesn't give you the density.

Option 2: volume x mass / (volume + mass)
This formula is not correct either. Dividing the product of the volume and mass by the sum of the two values does not give you density.

Option 3: mass - volume
Subtracting the volume from the mass does not give you the density. The result of this calculation would have units of mass, not density.

Option 4: mass / volume
This is the correct formula for density. Dividing the mass of an object by its volume gives you the density. Density is usually expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) or kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³).

So, the correct formula for density is mass divided by volume, which is represented by the formula: density = mass / volume.