What is the difference between mass and weight of an object?(2 points)

1) Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant wherever the object is located, whereas weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and can vary depending on the location of the object.

2) Mass is measured in kilograms, whereas weight is measured in newtons.

1. Mass: Mass refers to the amount of matter present in an object. It is an intrinsic property and is constant regardless of the object's location. The SI unit of mass is kilogram (kg). Mass can be thought of as the resistance of an object to changes in its motion (inertia). It remains the same on Earth, the moon, or even in space.

2. Weight: Weight, on the other hand, is a force that depends on gravitational pull and the mass of an object. It is the force with which an object is pulled towards the center of the Earth (or any other celestial body). The SI unit of weight is newton (N). Weight can vary depending on the strength of the gravitational field. For example, the weight of an object would be less on the moon compared to the Earth since the gravitational pull is weaker on the moon.

To understand the difference between mass and weight, we need to first define these two terms:

1. Mass: Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is a scalar quantity and is independent of the object's location. The standard unit of mass is kilograms (kg).

2. Weight: Weight, on the other hand, is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. It is a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. The standard unit for weight is newtons (N).

Now, let's discuss the differences between mass and weight:

1. Conceptual Difference: Mass is an inherent property of an object and is constant, meaning it does not change with location or gravitational field. Weight, however, depends on the gravitational force acting on an object and can change with location. For example, an object will have the same mass on Earth and on the Moon, but its weight will be different due to the difference in gravity.

2. Calculation Difference: Mass can be measured directly using a balance or scale, by comparing an object's inertia to a known mass. Weight, on the other hand, is calculated by multiplying an object's mass by the acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s² on Earth's surface. Therefore, weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity.

To summarize, mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and is constant, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object and can vary depending on the gravitational field.