The marked price of an article is Rs. There are 1600. This item was purchased by two experienced discount holders for Rs. If any one customer out of 900 gets the percentage, the discount will be known. (B) 30% (A) 25% (C) 45% (D) 50%

The marked price of the article is given as Rs. 1600.

Let's assume that the discount given on the article is x%.

According to the given information, the two experienced discount holders purchased the article for Rs. 900.
So, the selling price of the article after x% discount can be calculated as follows:
Selling price = Marked price - (x% of Marked price)
900 = 1600 - (x/100)*1600

Simplifying the equation:
900 = (1 - x/100)*1600
Dividing both sides of the equation by 1600:
0.5625 = 1 - x/100

Subtracting 0.5625 from 1:
1 - 0.5625 = x/100
0.4375 = x/100

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 100:
100*0.4375 = x
43.75 = x

Therefore, the discount on the article is 43.75%.

None of the given options (A) 25%, (B) 30%, (C) 45%, or (D) 50% is the correct answer.

Let's break down the problem step-by-step:

Step 1: Given that the marked price of the article is Rs. 1600.

Step 2: Two experienced discount holders purchased the item for Rs. 900.

Step 3: We need to find the percentage discount obtained.

To calculate the percentage discount, we can use the formula:

Discount Percentage = ((Marked Price - Selling Price) / Marked Price) * 100

In this case, the Marked Price is Rs. 1600 and the Selling Price is Rs. 900.

Discount Percentage = ((1600 - 900) / 1600) * 100
Discount Percentage = (700 / 1600) * 100
Discount Percentage ≈ 43.75%

Therefore, the correct option would be (C) 45%.

To find the percentage discount, we need to compare the selling price (Rs. 1600) with the marked price.

Let's assume the marked price of the article is Rs. X. And let's consider the discount as a percentage of the marked price.

The selling price after the discount is Rs. 1600.

So, we can set up the equation:
Selling price = Marked price - (Discount/100) * Marked price

Plugging in the values:
1600 = X - (Discount/100) * X

To proceed further, we need to know how much each experienced discount holder paid for the item. Once we have that information, we can calculate the discount percentage.

Please provide the amount paid by each experienced discount holder for the item so that we can continue with the calculation.