Which of the following carboxylic acids is the least soluble in water?

Question 22 options:

d) C4 H9 COOH
e) HCO2H

The answer is e) HCO2H (formic acid).

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Apologies for the incorrect response. The correct answer is b) CH2H5COOH (butyric acid).

To determine which carboxylic acid is the least soluble in water, we need to consider the structure and the size of the molecules. Generally, the solubility of carboxylic acids in water is influenced by their molecular weight and the presence of polar functional groups.

Looking at the options:

a) CH3COOH (acetic acid): This is a small carboxylic acid with a polar functional group. It is relatively soluble in water.

b) CH3CH2COOH (propionic acid): This is slightly larger than acetic acid and also has a polar functional group. It is also soluble in water.

c) CH3CH2CH2COOH (butyric acid): This is larger than both acetic and propionic acid but still has a polar functional group. It is also soluble in water.

d) CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (valeric acid): This is larger than the previous acids but still has a polar functional group. It is also soluble in water.

e) HCOOH (formic acid): This is the smallest carboxylic acid among the options, and it has a polar functional group. However, formic acid is known to have limited solubility in water.

Therefore, the least soluble carboxylic acid in water among the given options is e) HCOOH (formic acid).

To determine which carboxylic acid is the least soluble in water, we need to consider the molecular structure and the factors that affect solubility.

Solubility in water is influenced by the presence of polar groups (such as hydroxyl or carboxyl groups) and the length of the carbon chain. Generally, shorter carbon chains and the presence of polar groups tend to increase solubility.

Let's analyze each option:

a) CH3COOH (acetic acid): This acid has a short carbon chain and a polar carboxyl group, making it highly soluble in water.

b) CH3CH2COOH (propionic acid): This acid also has a short carbon chain and a polar carboxyl group, which improves its solubility in water compared to longer-chain carboxylic acids.

c) CH3CH2CH2COOH (butyric acid): This acid has a slightly longer carbon chain but still contains a polar carboxyl group. It is less soluble than acetic acid and propionic acid but more soluble than longer-chain carboxylic acids.

d) CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH (valeric acid): This acid has an even longer carbon chain than butyric acid. The longer chain reduces its solubility in water compared to the previous options.

e) HCO2H (formic acid): This acid has the shortest carbon chain among the options and a polar carboxyl group. Its small molecular size and polarity make it highly soluble in water.

Based on the analysis, the carboxylic acid with the longest carbon chain, option d) C4H9COOH (valeric acid), is expected to be the least soluble in water.