Place value 7719

The place value of each digit in the number 7719 is as follows:

- The digit '7' is in the thousands place.
- The digit '7' is in the hundreds place.
- The digit '1' is in the tens place.
- The digit '9' is in the ones place.

To determine the place value of the number 7719, we can break down the digits and their corresponding place values:


- The digit 9 is in the ones place.
- The digit 1 is in the tens place.
- The digit 7 is in the hundreds place.
- The digit 7 is in the thousands place.

Therefore, the place value of 7719 is as follows:

9: ones place
1: tens place
7: hundreds place
7: thousands place

To understand the place value of a number, we need to break it down into its individual digits and determine the value of each digit.

In the number 7719, the digits are 7, 7, 1, and 9.

Let's examine the place value of each digit:

1. The first digit, 7, is in the thousands place. Its place value is determined by multiplying the digit by 1000 (since each place to the left of the decimal point is a power of 10).
Therefore, the value of the first digit, 7, is 7 * 1000 = 7000.

2. The second digit, also 7, is in the hundreds place. Its place value is determined by multiplying the digit by 100.
Therefore, the value of the second digit, 7, is 7 * 100 = 700.

3. The third digit, 1, is in the tens place. Its place value is determined by multiplying the digit by 10.
Therefore, the value of the third digit, 1, is 1 * 10 = 10.

4. The fourth digit, 9, is in the ones place, which does not require any multiplication since it represents the same value as the digit itself.
Therefore, the value of the fourth digit, 9, is 9.

Now, we can add up the values of each digit to find the total value of the number 7719:

7000 + 700 + 10 + 9 = 7719.

So, the place value of the number 7719 is as follows:
- Thousands place: 7 (7000)
- Hundreds place: 7 (700)
- Tens place: 1 (10)
- Ones place: 9 (9)