Students in an environmental club research global warming. They present their findings to local industry leaders to persuade them to take action against global warming. which action by industry leaders would directly address the causes of global warming? Sending a team of scientists to study air temperatures in a polar region, agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuels, developing a climate model to show climate change, or adopting a highway to ensure it remains free of trash and other debris

Agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuels would directly address the causes of global warming. Burning fossil fuels is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, which are responsible for global warming. By adopting wind energy as an alternative, industry leaders would be reducing their carbon dioxide emissions, which helps to mitigate global warming.

The action by industry leaders that would directly address the causes of global warming is agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuels. This is because burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, a major contributor to global warming. By using wind energy as an alternative, industry leaders would be reducing their carbon footprint and mitigating the effects of global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

To determine which action by industry leaders would directly address the causes of global warming, let's analyze each option:

1. Sending a team of scientists to study air temperatures in a polar region:
This action, while valuable for scientific research, does not directly address the causes of global warming. Studying air temperatures in polar regions can provide useful data about climate change but does not address the root causes of global warming.

2. Agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuels:
This action directly addresses the causes of global warming. Burning fossil fuels is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which drive global warming. By agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative, industry leaders are taking a step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

3. Developing a climate model to show climate change:
While developing a climate model helps visualize and understand climate change, it does not directly address the causes of global warming. Climate models provide insights into climate patterns and future projections but do not tackle the root causes of global warming.

4. Adopting a highway to ensure it remains free of trash and other debris:
This action, while important for environmental conservation and sustainability, does not directly address the causes of global warming. Trash and debris contribute to pollution and environmental degradation, which are separate issues from the causes of global warming.

Therefore, the action by industry leaders that would directly address the causes of global warming is option 2: Agreeing to use wind energy as an alternative to burning fossil fuels.