Sam is comparing half a life of two is to popes of uranium the half-life of uranium negative 2 3/8 is 4.5 * 10 ^ 9 years the half-life of the uranium negative 233 is 1.6 * 10 ^ 5 years he computed how much greater the half-life of uranium negative 2 3/8 is then that of uranium negative 2 3 3 and his calculator displayed the number 2.81 e 4 what is the number and scientific notation

The number displayed on Sam's calculator is 2.81 * 10^4 in scientific notation.

To determine the number and scientific notation of 2.81e4, we can convert it to standard form.

Standard form is defined as a number written in the form N x 10^M, where N is a number between 1 and 10 (excluding 10) and M is an integer.

In this case, we have 2.81e4, which means 2.81 multiplied by 10^4.

Multiplying 2.81 by 10^4 gives us:

2.81 * 10^4 = 28,100

Therefore, the number 2.81e4 in scientific notation can be written as 28,100.

To determine the number and scientific notation displayed on the calculator (2.81e4), we need to break it down into its components.

The notation "2.81e4" represents 2.81 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 4. In other words, "e4" indicates multiplying the base number (2.81) by 10^4.

Using this information, we can calculate the actual number:

2.81 × 10^4 = 2.81 × 10,000 = 28,100

So, the number displayed on the calculator in standard notation is 28,100.