Which word is the best replacement for the word skinny in the statement below

Fiona had lost so much weight that to describe her as skinny was not an overstatement
Skinny(adjective) having a very snall amount of body fat
Synonyms: lean, lithe, slender, slim, scrawny, skelatal, trim, wizend, clean-limbed
clean limbed


The best replacement for the word "skinny" in the statement would be "slender."

To determine the best replacement for the word "skinny," we need to consider the context of the sentence and find a synonym that fits the meaning intended by the speaker. In this case, the sentence suggests that the word "skinny" may not be strong enough to accurately describe Fiona's weight loss.

Here are the potential synonyms:

1. Lean: This word suggests that Fiona has lost weight and has a slim, well-toned physique.
2. Lithe: This word implies flexibility and gracefulness in addition to being slender.
3. Slender: This word indicates a slim or slight build without any negative connotations.
4. Slim: Similar to "slender," this word implies a thin and attractive body shape.
5. Scrawny: This word has a more negative connotation and refers to being thin and unattractive.
6. Skeletal: This word emphasizes extreme thinness and suggests an unhealthy or emaciated appearance.
7. Trim: This word implies a slender and well-proportioned figure, often associated with fitness.
8. Wizened: This word suggests a withered or shriveled appearance, typically associated with age.
9. Clean-limbed: This phrase suggests a slim, well-defined, and attractive physique.

Considering these synonyms, the best replacement for the word "skinny" in the given sentence is subjective and depends on the speaker's intention. However, words like "lean," "lithe," "slender," and "slim" would convey a positive or neutral connotation without directly suggesting any negative aspects associated with being thin.