Solve y^3=-343

To solve the equation y^3 = -343, we can take the cube root of both sides to isolate y.

Taking the cube root of -343 gives us:
y = -7

So the solution is y = -7.

To solve the equation y^3 = -343, we need to find the cube root of -343.

Step 1: Find the cube root of -343:

The cube root of -343 is -7, since (-7)^3 = -343.

Therefore, the solution to the equation y^3 = -343 is y = -7.

To solve the equation y^3 = -343, we need to find the value of y that satisfies this equation. One way to approach this is by taking the cube root of both sides of the equation.

The cube root of -343 is -7 since (-7)^3 = -343. So, we can write the solution as y = -7.

Therefore, the solution to the equation y^3 = -343 is y = -7.