In this sentence from common sense what doe thomas paine mean by the makeweight in the scale of british politics

is is the true interst of america to steer clear of european contentions which she never can do while by her dependence on britain she is made the makeweight in the scale of british politics
Great britain value america only as a way to shift the balance of power in europe
the american colonists have a great effect on policies enacted in great britain
european politics rely heavilty on events that occuer in the american collonies
great britain evaluates the success of political policies on how they are implemented in america

In this sentence, Thomas Paine means that America is being used as a tool by Great Britain to maintain a balance of power in European politics. By being dependent on Britain, America is essentially acting as a force to counterweight the interests and actions of other European nations. Paine suggests that it is in America's best interest to disengage from European conflicts and assert their independence from Britain. He implies that America should not allow themselves to be manipulated or used as a pawn in British political strategies.

In this sentence, Thomas Paine is using the phrase "the makeweight in the scale of British politics" to describe the position of America in relation to Great Britain. By being dependent on Britain, America becomes a factor that helps balance the British political interests.

Paine suggests that America's true interest lies in staying away from European conflicts. However, as long as America remains dependent on Britain, it cannot avoid getting involved in European disputes. This dependence makes America a significant factor in British politics as it influences the balance of power.

To summarize, Paine is implying that America's dependence on Britain positions it as a lesser player in European politics and limits its ability to steer clear of European disputes.

In this sentence, Thomas Paine is using the term "makeweight in the scale of British politics" to convey the idea that America's dependence on Britain puts it in a position of being used as a tool to maintain the balance of power in European politics.

To understand this concept, it requires analyzing the sentence and its context. Here's the breakdown of the sentence:

1. "It is the true interest of America to steer clear of European contentions": This means that Paine believes that America should avoid becoming entangled in European conflicts or disputes.
2. "which she never can do while by her dependence on Britain she is made the makeweight in the scale of British politics": Paine argues that America cannot avoid European conflicts because its dependence on Britain allows Britain to use it as a tool or a means to influence European politics.

To get this interpretation, you need to analyze the sentence in its broader context and consider Paine's views on American independence and the detrimental effects of British control over the American colonies. By understanding Paine's perspective and the historical context of the American Revolutionary period, you can interpret this sentence in the context of America's relationship with Britain and its repercussions in European politics.