the xyz affair outraged many americans. What was president John Adams initial stance on how to handle the issue? Select two answers

Adams asked Congress for a vote to declare war on France
Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France
Adams wanted to declare war but resisted due to political pressures
Adams wanted to stay out of the European affairs

Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France

Adams wanted to stay out of the European affairs

why did thomas jefferson turn to nullification in an effort to right the wrongs of the alien and sedition acts

chose one

a. The federalists controlled the courts
b. He had significant influence over the states
c. He believed the states were meant to control the federal government
d. These states had the same right of judicial review as the Supreme Court

c. He believed the states were meant to control the federal government

Why was the election of 1800 decided in the House of Representatives

a. The 12th Amendment required this process
b. No candidate received a majority in the electoral college
c. Both candidates were from the same party
d. No candidate wanted to be vice president

b. No candidate received a majority in the electoral college

The correct answers are:

1. Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France.
2. Adams wanted to stay out of the European affairs.

To determine President John Adams' initial stance on how to handle the XYZ Affair, we can examine the historical context and Adams' actions during that time. The XYZ Affair refers to a diplomatic incident that occurred in the late 18th century between the United States and France.

1. Adams asked Congress for a vote to declare war on France:
This option is not correct. While the XYZ Affair did strain diplomatic relations between the United States and France, Adams did not initially seek a declaration of war.

2. Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France:
This option is correct. In response to the XYZ Affair, President Adams sent a delegation of diplomats to negotiate with France in order to resolve the escalating tensions diplomatically.

3. Adams wanted to declare war but resisted due to political pressures:
This option is not correct. Adams did face political pressures from those demanding war with France, but his initial stance was not to declare war. He opted for diplomacy instead.

4. Adams wanted to stay out of European affairs:
This option is not correct. While Adams did advocate for the United States to avoid permanent alliances with foreign powers, his approach to the XYZ Affair was to engage in diplomacy with France, indicating that he acknowledged the importance of dealing with European affairs when necessary.

So, the correct answers are:
- Adams sent diplomats to negotiate with France
- Adams wanted to stay out of the European affairs