Subtract 24−(−15) .(1 point)


24 - (-15) = 24 + 15 = 39

To subtract 24 - (-15), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Replace the subtraction of a negative number with addition.
24 - (-15) = 24 + 15

Step 2: Add the two numbers together.
24 + 15 = 39

Therefore, 24 - (-15) = 39.

To subtract 24 - (-15), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize the double negative. A double negative in mathematics is the same as a positive. So, -(-15) is equivalent to +15.

Step 2: Subtract the numbers. Start with 24 and then subtract 15.

24 - 15 = 9

The answer is 9.