Based on the map, in which part of Asia do most people practice Hinduism?


Group of answer choices

Middle East

East Asia

Southeast Asia

South Asia

South Asia

Based on the map provided, most people who practice Hinduism are located in South Asia.

To determine which part of Asia most people practice Hinduism based on a map, you can follow these steps:

1. Analyze the map: Take a close look at the map and try to identify any symbols, colors, or labels that may indicate religious practices or affiliations.

2. Locate the areas with the highest concentration: Look for regions or countries on the map where there is a higher density of Hindu temples, religious symbols (such as the Om symbol), or any specific indicators of Hinduism.

3. Consider cultural and historical context: Take into account the cultural and historical background of different areas in Asia. Hinduism originated in the Indian subcontinent and has a significant presence in neighboring countries.

Based on the options provided, the most likely answer to your question would be "South Asia." South Asia encompasses countries such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan, which have a sizable Hindu population and are historically associated with Hinduism. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that South Asia is the region of Asia where most people practice Hinduism.