John lives on a part of earth where the angle the sun rays are very high and the latitude is low. Which temperatures does John experience quite often? Moderate temperatures, high temperature, temperatures that are sometimes very high, and sometimes low, or low temperatures

John experiences high temperatures quite often.

John lives in a part of Earth where the angle of the sun rays is very high and the latitude is low. In such regions, it is common to experience high temperatures quite often. The high angle of the sun rays leads to more direct sunlight, which increases the amount of solar radiation and heat received by the area. As a result, the temperature tends to be on the higher side more frequently.

Based on the given information, John lives in a location on Earth where the angle of the sun rays is high and the latitude is low. In such areas near the equator, temperatures are generally high throughout the year. The high angle of the sun rays means that the sunlight falls more directly and spreads less, leading to more intense heat.

Therefore, John is likely to experience quite often high temperatures in his location. The direct and intense sunlight contributes to warmer conditions. However, it is important to note that this does not imply that the temperature will always be very high. Weather patterns and other factors can cause variations, so John might also experience temperatures that are sometimes very high and sometimes low, especially if there are seasonal changes or weather systems such as monsoons in his region.

Overall, John's location's climate is characterized by high temperatures but it is not exclusively limited to high temperatures.