What term describes patterns of change in data?

The term that describes patterns of change in data is "data trend."

The term that describes patterns of change in data is "trend." A trend refers to the general direction or movement of data over time. It can help identify patterns such as increasing, decreasing, or oscillating trends in the data. Analyzing trends is useful in predicting future behavior or making informed decisions based on historical data.

The term that describes patterns of change in data is "trend." A trend refers to the general direction or pattern that can be observed in a set of data points over a specific period of time. It helps us identify whether the data is increasing, decreasing, or staying relatively constant. To determine the trend in data, you can follow these steps:

1. Arrange the data: Arrange the data points in chronological or sequential order, usually based on time.

2. Plot the data: Create a graph or chart to visualize the data points. Most commonly, a line graph is used to display trends over time.

3. Analyze the graph: Examine the plotted points on the graph and look for any noticeable patterns or trends.

4. Determine the direction: Determine if the data points generally increase, decrease, or remain constant over time.

By following these steps, you can identify and describe the patterns of change in data, which helps in understanding the underlying trend.