The band sold 385 cases of fruit. There are 24 bags of fruit in each case. Which is the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold?

To find the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold, we need to multiply the number of cases sold by the number of bags in each case.

385 cases * 24 bags/case = 9240 bags of fruit

Therefore, the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold is 9240.

To find the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold, we need to multiply the number of cases sold by the number of bags in each case.

385 cases * 24 bags/case = 9240 bags

Therefore, the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold is 9240 bags.

To find the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold, we need to multiply the number of cases by the number of bags in each case.

So, in this case, we need to multiply 385 (number of cases) by 24 (number of bags in each case).

385 × 24 = 9240

Therefore, the best estimate of the number of bags of fruit sold is 9,240 bags.