(7x10 to the fourth power) x (5x10 to the second power) in scientific notation form

(7x10^4) x (5x10^2) in scientific notation form is 3.5x10^7.

To find the product of (7x10^4) and (5x10^2) in scientific notation form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the numerical values: 7 x 5 = 35.
Step 2: Multiply the powers of 10: 10^4 x 10^2 = 10^(4+2) = 10^6.
Step 3: Combine the numerical result with the power of 10: 35 x 10^6.

Therefore, (7x10^4) x (5x10^2) in scientific notation form is 35x10^6.

To express the product of (7x10 to the fourth power) and (5x10 to the second power) in scientific notation form, we'll first calculate the product and then arrange it correctly.

Step 1: Calculate the product:
(7x10^4) x (5x10^2) = 7x5 x (10^4 x 10^2) = 35 x 10^6.

Step 2: Arrange in scientific notation form:
The scientific notation form consists of a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10. In this case, the coefficient is 35, and the power of 10 is 6.

Therefore, the expression (7x10^4) x (5x10^2) in scientific notation form is: 3.5x10^7.