n/5 ≥ 11 n > ____

To solve the inequality, we need to isolate n.

To isolate n, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 5:

(n/5) * 5 ≥ 11 * 5

This simplifies to:

n ≥ 55

So, n is greater than or equal to 55.

To solve the inequality n/5 ≥ 11, we need to isolate the variable n.

First, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

n/5 * 5 ≥ 11 * 5
n ≥ 55

Therefore, the solution to the inequality is n ≥ 55.

To solve the inequality n/5 ≥ 11, we need to isolate the variable n.

First, we can multiply both sides of the inequality by 5 to remove the fraction:

n/5 * 5 ≥ 11 * 5

Simplifying this gives:

n ≥ 55

So, the answer to the inequality is n ≥ 55.