How does the decision to not use tobacco impact your health?

(1 point)

Any negative effects go away once you quit.
Any negative effects go away once you quit.

It has only long-term impact.
It has only long-term impact.

It helps you stay healthy now and in the future.

It helps you stay healthy now and in the future.

How can using a nicotine substitute help a user break the addiction to nicotine?

(1 point)

It continues to supply large amounts of nicotine.
It continues to supply large amounts of nicotine.

It uses additives to lessen withdrawal symptoms.
It uses additives to lessen withdrawal symptoms.

It stops withdrawal symptoms.
It stops withdrawal symptoms.

It slowly cuts back on the dose of nicotine.

It slowly cuts back on the dose of nicotine.

Which is not a way to prepare for the pressure you may face when deciding not to smoke?

(1 point)

Practice confidently saying “No, I don’t smoke.”
Practice confidently saying “No, I don’t smoke.”

Think about your reasons to say no to tobacco.
Think about your reasons to say no to tobacco.

Imagine yourself as healthy now and in the future.
Imagine yourself as healthy now and in the future.

Hang around one or two friends who smoke so you get used to it.

Hang around one or two friends who smoke so you get used to it.

What respiratory system changes occur when someone quits smoking?

(1 point)

Cilia always function abnormally.
Cilia always function abnormally.

Tar in the air passages dissolves.
Tar in the air passages dissolves.

Cilia regain normal function.

Cilia regain normal function.

Which is not a good idea if you want to stop using tobacco?

(1 point)

spending time with friends who smoke
spending time with friends who smoke

going “cold turkey”
going “cold turkey”

reducing the use of tobacco over time
reducing the use of tobacco over time

contacting a support group

spending time with friends who smoke

The decision to not use tobacco has a significant impact on your health in both the short-term and long-term. By not using tobacco, you can avoid the immediate negative effects that smoking or chewing tobacco can have on your body. These negative effects can include bad breath, stained teeth, reduced sense of taste and smell, and increased risk of infections.

In the long-term, choosing not to use tobacco greatly reduces your risk of developing serious health conditions. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic respiratory diseases. By avoiding tobacco, you lower your chances of developing these life-threatening conditions.

To understand the impact of not using tobacco on your health, it's important to consider the benefits of avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals found in tobacco products. Nicotine, tar, and other chemicals in tobacco have detrimental effects on the body and can lead to addiction, respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and various types of cancer.

In conclusion, the decision to not use tobacco not only helps you stay healthy in the present, but it also significantly reduces your risk of developing serious health issues in the future.