What is -3.15 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.

1 point
-3 15/100
-3 3/20
-3 1/5

-3.15 converted to a fraction in simplest form is -3 3/20.

To convert -3.15 to a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the place value of the decimal.
- The decimal is in the hundredth place because it is two places to the right of the decimal point.

Step 2: Write the number without the decimal.
- We can write -3.15 as -315/100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction.
- Since 315 and 100 are both divisible by 5, we can divide both numbers by 5.
- Simplifying the fraction gives us -63/20.

Therefore, -3.15 converted to a fraction in simplest form is -63/20.

To convert -3.15 to a fraction, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Recognize that the decimal portion of the number represents hundredths.
Step 2: Write the decimal as a fraction by using the decimal value as the numerator and place the value of the position immediately to the right of the decimal as the denominator.
- For -3.15, the decimal is 15, and the position immediately to the right is 100, so we have:
-3.15 = 15 / 100
Step 3: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) between the numerator and denominator and dividing both by it.
- In this case, the GCD of 15 and 100 is 5, so we divide both the numerator and the denominator by 5:
15 / 100 = (15 ÷ 5) / (100 ÷ 5) = 3 / 20

Therefore, -3.15 can be converted to the fraction -3/20.

The correct answer is: -3/20.