What is a government in which all power is held by a single person or a small group called?


Authoritarian government

Federal system

Unitary system

Authoritarian government

A government in which all power is held by a single person or a small group is called an Authoritarian government.

The correct answer is an "authoritarian government." An authoritarian government is a system where all power and authority is concentrated in the hands of a single person or a small group. This type of government is characterized by strict control, limited political freedoms, and little to no tolerance for dissent or opposition. To find the answer to this question, you would need to understand the different forms of government and their defining characteristics. By looking at the options provided - "Constitution," "Authoritarian government," "Federal system," and "Unitary system" - you can eliminate the options that do not fit the description. In this case, both "Federal system" and "Unitary system" do not match the definition. Therefore, the correct answer is "Authoritarian government."