Anger is normal emotion that all humans feel at some time. It is important to express this emotion in a healthy way. Which of these ways of dealing with anger might affect your health in a negative way?

A. Accept your feelings
B. Ignore your triggers
C. Talk about the problem
D. Seek constructive alternatives

B. Ignore your triggers

The way of dealing with anger that might affect your health in a negative way is B. Ignore your triggers.

The correct answer would be B. Ignore your triggers. Ignoring your triggers and bottling up your anger can have negative effects on your health. Here's an explanation for each option:

A. Accept your feelings: Accepting your feelings means acknowledging the emotion and understanding that it is normal to feel angry. This can actually be a healthy way to process anger as long as you don't act impulsively or aggressively.

B. Ignore your triggers: Ignoring your triggers means not addressing the things that are causing your anger. This approach can lead to increased stress levels and elevated blood pressure, which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.

C. Talk about the problem: Talking about the problem involves expressing your feelings and concerns with someone you trust. This can be a healthy way to release anger, gain perspective, and potentially find solutions or support.

D. Seek constructive alternatives: Seeking constructive alternatives means finding healthy outlets for your anger. This might include engaging in physical exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, or channeling your anger into productive activities. This approach can be beneficial for your overall well-being.

In conclusion, while it is important to accept your feelings, talk about the problem, and seek constructive alternatives, ignoring your triggers is not a healthy way to deal with anger and may negatively impact your health.