Place the steps of the scientific method in the correct order:

Research the topic
form a conclusion
form a hypothesis
analyze results
ask a question
condunct experiment

1. Ask a question

2. Research the topic
3. Form a hypothesis
4. Conduct experiment
5. Analyze results
6. Form a conclusion

The correct order of steps in the scientific method is as follows:

1. Ask a question
2. Do background research on the topic
3. Formulate a hypothesis
4. Design and conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis
5. Analyze the results of the experiment
6. Draw a conclusion based on the results of the experiment

The correct order of the steps in the scientific method is as follows:

1. Ask a Question: Start by identifying a problem or a question that you want to investigate.

2. Do Background Research: Before formulating a hypothesis, first gather information on the topic through research. This helps you understand what is already known about the subject.

3. Form a Hypothesis: Based on the research, formulate a testable explanation or an educated guess about the question you are investigating. A hypothesis should be specific, clear, and based on existing knowledge.

4. Conduct an Experiment: Design and perform an experiment or a series of experiments to test your hypothesis. Your experiment should be well-controlled, ensuring that you only test one variable at a time.

5. Analyze Results: Collect and organize the data obtained from the experiment. Use statistical analysis or other appropriate methods to draw conclusions from the data.

6. Form a Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the results, determine whether the data supports or rejects your hypothesis. Identify any patterns, trends, or relationships that emerged during the experiment.

It's important to note that in some cases, steps 4 and 5 may need to be repeated multiple times before a conclusion can be reached.

The correct order of the steps in the scientific method is crucial for systematic and logical investigation.