how does anthony appeal to logos in her speech

by organizing her speech in a reasoned well supported fashion
by referring to current events and making the most of the days news to support her point
by showing that she is a well read knowledgeable and resonable person
by using language that creates clear imges in her listeners minds and allows them to empathize with others

All of the options you provided demonstrate how Anthony appeals to logos in her speech.

Firstly, by organizing her speech in a reasoned and well-supported fashion, Anthony appeals to logos. This refers to structuring her arguments in a logical manner, presenting evidence, and using sound reasoning to support her claims. By doing so, she makes a rational appeal to her audience's logic and intellect.

Secondly, by referring to current events and making the most of the day's news to support her point, Anthony appeals to logos. This involves utilizing recent and relevant information to strengthen her arguments, providing concrete examples and evidence that her audience can relate to and understand.

Thirdly, by showing that she is a well-read, knowledgeable, and reasonable person, Anthony appeals to logos. This demonstrates her credibility and expertise on the subject matter, lending further weight to her arguments based on facts, data, and reliable sources.

Lastly, by using language that creates clear images in her listeners' minds and allows them to empathize with others, Anthony appeals to logos. This involves using vivid descriptions, storytelling techniques, and emotional appeals to engage the audience's rational thinking and encourage them to consider different perspectives and experiences.

In summary, Anthony appeals to logos in her speech by employing a reasoned and well-supported organization, referencing current events, showcasing her knowledge and reasonableness, and utilizing language that fosters empathy and understanding.

Anthony appeals to logos in her speech through several strategies:

1. Organizing her speech in a reasoned, well-supported fashion: Anthony presents her arguments in a logical order, using clear and coherent points to build a case for her position. This helps appeal to the audience's logical thinking and promotes a sense of rationality.

2. Referring to current events and making the most of the day's news: By connecting her arguments to real-life examples and recent events, Anthony provides concrete evidence to support her points. This appeals to the audience's sense of reason and increases the credibility of her speech.

3. Showing that she is a well-read, knowledgeable, and reasonable person: Anthony demonstrates her expertise in the topic by referencing facts, statistics, and other credible sources. This appeals to the audience's trust in her knowledge and increases the overall logical appeal of her speech.

4. Using language that creates clear images in her listeners' minds and allows them to empathize with others: By using vivid and descriptive language, Anthony helps the audience visualize the situation at hand and creates a sense of emotional connection. This helps strengthen the logical appeal of her speech by making her arguments more relatable and understandable.

In her speech, Anthony appeals to logos by utilizing several strategies:

1. Organizing her speech in a reasoned, well-supported fashion: Anthony structures her speech in a logical manner, presenting her arguments in a clear and coherent sequence. By organizing her ideas effectively, she appeals to the audience's rational thinking.

To employ this strategy, one can outline the main points they want to address in their speech. Start by introducing the topic, then present supporting evidence or examples for each point, and conclude with a summary or a restatement of the main arguments.

2. Referring to current events and making the most of the day's news: Anthony incorporates references to current events to strengthen her argument. By using recent news or real-life examples, she makes her speech more relevant and relatable to the audience. This helps to establish credibility and enhance the logical appeal.

To apply this strategy, one can stay informed about current events and find connections between those events and the topic they want to discuss. One can cite specific statistics, studies, or news stories that support the argument being made.

3. Showing herself as a well-read, knowledgeable, and reasonable person: Anthony establishes her credibility by displaying her expertise and depth of knowledge on the subject matter. By presenting well-researched facts, data, and examples, she builds trust with the audience and strengthens her logical appeal.

To demonstrate expertise, one can thoroughly research the topic beforehand, study reliable sources, and become familiar with different positions or perspectives. By citing credible experts or referencing reputable studies, one can enhance their credibility.

4. Using language that creates clear images in listeners' minds and allows them to empathize with others: Anthony uses vivid and descriptive language to paint a clear picture in the minds of her audience. By appealing to their emotions and fostering empathy, she reinforces her logical arguments.

To incorporate this technique, one can use descriptive adjectives, visual metaphors, or storytelling methods that evoke emotions. By providing relatable examples or sharing personal experiences, one can help the audience connect emotionally to the subject matter.

By employing these strategies, Anthony effectively appeals to logos in her speech, engaging her audience's logical thinking and persuading them through well-reasoned arguments and credible evidence.