what i ask you is the distinctive difference between the inhabitants of a monarchial and those of a republican for of government save that in the anarchial the people are subjects helpless powerless bound to obey laws made by superiors while in the republican the people are citizens individual sovereigns all clothed with equal power to make and unmake their laws and law makers

What rhetorical device does anthony use in this passage


The rhetorical device used in this passage is antithesis. Antithesis refers to the contrasting of ideas or concepts to create emphasis and highlight differences. In this case, the distinction between the inhabitants of a monarchial government and a republican government is being contrasted.

The rhetorical device used in this passage is antithesis. Antithesis is a figure of speech where contrasting ideas or words are placed together in parallel structures to create emphasis or highlight differences. In this case, the author contrasts the inhabitants of a monarchial and republican form of government, emphasizing their differences by juxtaposing words and phrases such as "subjects helpless powerless" and "citizens individual sovereigns." This use of antithesis effectively highlights the distinction between the two types of government and the contrasting position of the people within each.