what answer represents this number in scientific notation? 0.00000916

916 x 10-^8
9.16 x 10-^6
916 x 10^8
9.16 x 10^6

9.16 x 10^-6

The answer that represents the number 0.00000916 in scientific notation is 9.16 x 10^-6.

To convert a number to scientific notation, you need to write it as a product of a number between 1 and 10 (including 1 but excluding 10) and a power of 10.

For the number 0.00000916, you'll want to move the decimal point to the right until you have a number between 1 and 10. In this case, you need to move the decimal point 7 places to the right to get 9.16. So the number in scientific notation is 9.16 x 10^-7.

Therefore, none of the given answer choices, 916 x 10^-8, 9.16 x 10^-6, 916 x 10^8, and 9.16 x 10^6, represents the number 0.00000916 correctly in scientific notation. The correct representation is 9.16 x 10^-7.