if a reader wants to evaluate a text which is the best question to ask while reading it

when did the author write this text and how did he decide on its goals
how well do elements of the text help the text achieve its goals
how interesting do i find the elements of the text and do i care about its goals
what elements in this text are ones i like to use in my writing as well

The best question to ask while reading a text would be "how well do elements of the text help the text achieve its goals?" This question allows the reader to critically evaluate the effectiveness of the elements used in the text in relation to the author's intended goals.

The best question to ask while evaluating a text would depend on the reader's specific purpose and criteria. However, here are some possible questions to consider:

1. What is the main message or theme of the text?
2. How effectively does the author support their arguments or ideas?
3. Are the sources and evidence used reliable and credible?
4. Is the writing style clear and engaging?
5. Does the text appeal to logic, emotions, or ethics?
6. How well-organized is the text? Are the ideas presented in a logical order?
7. Are there any biases or assumptions present in the text?
8. Does the text provide valuable insights or new perspectives?
9. Are there any contradictions or inconsistencies within the text?
10. How well does the text resonate with the reader's personal beliefs or experiences?

By asking these questions, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the text, evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, and form their own opinion about it.

If a reader wants to evaluate a text, one of the best questions to ask while reading it is: "What elements in this text are ones I like to use in my writing as well?"

To answer this question, first, look for specific elements or techniques used in the text that catch your attention. It could be the way the author engages the reader through storytelling, the use of descriptive language, the structure of the text, or the effective use of evidence to support claims.

As you read, take note of the elements that resonate with you and the ones you find particularly effective. Consider how these elements contribute to the overall impact of the text. If they align with your own preferences and writing style, they may be elements worth incorporating into your own writing.

By critically examining the text and identifying elements that appeal to you, you can evaluate the text through a personal lens. This question helps you to evaluate the effectiveness of certain techniques and determine what resonates with your own writing style and goals.