which of these historical events happened first

US constitution drafted
declaration of indepence signed
us constitution ratified by the states
articles of confederation drafted

The correct chronological order of these historical events is as follows:

1. Articles of Confederation drafted
2. Declaration of Independence signed
3. US Constitution drafted
4. US Constitution ratified by the states

The correct chronological order of the historical events mentioned is as follows:

1. Declaration of Independence signed
2. Articles of Confederation drafted
3. US Constitution drafted
4. US Constitution ratified by the states

To determine which of these historical events happened first, we need to examine the dates associated with each event.

1. Declaration of Independence signed: July 4, 1776.
2. Articles of Confederation drafted: November 15, 1777.
3. US Constitution drafted: September 17, 1787.
4. US Constitution ratified by the states: June 21, 1788.

Now, let's compare these dates to determine the chronological order:

1. Declaration of Independence signed: July 4, 1776.
2. Articles of Confederation drafted: November 15, 1777.
3. US Constitution drafted: September 17, 1787.
4. US Constitution ratified by the states: June 21, 1788.

From the dates provided, we can see that the Declaration of Independence was signed first on July 4, 1776. The Articles of Confederation were drafted next on November 15, 1777. After that, the US Constitution was drafted on September 17, 1787, and finally, the US Constitution was ratified by the states on June 21, 1788.

Therefore, the correct chronological order is:
- Declaration of Independence signed
- Articles of Confederation drafted
- US Constitution drafted
- US Constitution ratified by the states