The production of plastic has many negative consequences. Which option lists a reason why people still use it?

A.Plastic has helpful properties that cannot easily be found in natural materials.

B.Plastic that we use today has mostly been recycled many times.

C.Plastic can be made from substances that are available in limitless quantities

D.Plastic has negative consequences but fewer than most natural resources.
Plastic has negative consequences but fewer than most natural resources.

A. Plastic has helpful properties that cannot easily be found in natural materials.

Option D: Plastic has negative consequences but fewer than most natural resources.

The correct option is A: Plastic has helpful properties that cannot easily be found in natural materials.

To get the answer, you would need to evaluate each option and determine which one provides a valid reason why people still use plastic. Let's take a closer look at each option:

A. Plastic has helpful properties that cannot easily be found in natural materials. - This option suggests that plastic possesses unique properties that natural materials do not have. This could include characteristics such as durability, flexibility, and lightweight nature, which make plastic useful for a wide range of applications.

B. Plastic that we use today has mostly been recycled many times. - This option is not a valid reason why people still use plastic since it implies that people use plastic primarily because it has been recycled many times. While recycling is important, it does not necessarily justify why plastic is still used.

C. Plastic can be made from substances that are available in limitless quantities. - This option implies that plastic can be produced from substances that are readily available in large quantities. This statement overlooks the finite nature of many resources used in plastic production, such as fossil fuels.

D. Plastic has negative consequences but fewer than most natural resources. - This option suggests that while plastic does have negative consequences, it has fewer negative consequences than most natural resources. While this may be true to some extent, it is a subjective statement and does not provide a specific reason why people still use plastic.

Therefore, the correct option is A, as it offers a valid reason why people continue to use plastic, based on its unique properties that are not easily found in natural materials.